John West Ireland
Eating for Mental Performance


Physical training is essential for any endurance event, but mental performance is what will get you through the toughest parts and the last few kilometers.

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John West Ireland
Hydrate for Success


Achieving your best performance on event day will take training, plenty of protein and carbs, a balanced diet with all the vitamins and minerals, rest days, plenty of sleep…and water.

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John West Ireland
How is Your Hydration?


Despite all that has been written about hydration, it is surprising how many athletes miss this step.

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John West Ireland
Eating on the run – what to eat during a long event


Endurance races really are that: endurance. It is the hope that gets you to sign up, the determination to do the training and the sheer grit to get you through to the finish.

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John West Ireland
Beyond Calories: B vitamins and Energy


When it comes to exercise and fitness, the focus tends to be on protein first and everything else comes a distant second.

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John West Ireland
A Bit About B12


Vitamin B12 is one of the family of water-soluble B vitamins and is unique in that it is only found in animal foods like meat, milk and fish – there are no vegetables with B12!

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John West Ireland
Lunch boxes for Kids (and adults…)


We would all like to think that our children have a perfect diet – eating lots of fruit, loving vegetables and avoiding junk food at all costs, but in real life there are few kids who wouldn’t throw away an apple for a treat any day of the week.

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