Tuna Flatbread Pizzas

Heart outline Heart 14 people Clock graphic 20 Min Cutlery circle Serves 2

Use ready-made flatbreads for these speedy pizzas 


  • 1 John West No Drain Fridge Pot Tuna Steak in Sunflower Oil
  • 2 Greek-style flatbreads 
  • 1/3 tin finely chopped tomatoes 
  • 2 tsp tomato puree 
  • Black pepper 
  • 2 handfuls grated mozzarella 
  • Few thin slices red onion 
  • 6 olives, sliced 
  • Pinch dried oregano 
  • Few fresh basil leves 
  • Mixed leaf salad 

Step 1

Preheat the oven to 180°C fan and place the flatbreads onto a baking tray 

Step 2

Mix the chopped tomatoes and tomato puree in a bowl and season with a little black pepper. Spread the tomato sauce onto the flatbreads leaving a border of about 1cm around the edges 

Step 3

Scatter over half of the cheese then add the tuna, olives and onions. Add the rest of the cheese and sprinkle a pinch of oregano onto each pizza 

Step 4

Bake in the oven for about 7-8 minutes until lightly golden 

Step 5

Scatter over a few basil leaves before serving with a mixed leaf salad on the side 


You could use peppers or mushrooms instead of olives and onions if you prefer. Try cooking in your airfryer for an even quicker lunch or dinner!

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